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Urbanowicz Embroidery Poland

We are a manufacturing and trading company that has been in business for 35 years. Behind our experience are modern machinery and a staff of high-class specialists and embroidery designers. We strive to stay abreast of trends and demand in the specific sacred market, in which we strive to maintain a leadership position. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our wide range of products at And we wish you a successful and hassle-free shopping experience.

Bank account numbers:

Account number for the currency Polish Zloty- mBank S.A: 45 1140 2004 0000 3702 7795 7657
Account number for the Euro currency - Bank BNP Paribas: PL35 1600 1462 1713 3670 0000 0002 (BIC/SWIFT: PPABPLPKXXX)

Account No. for USD (US Dollar) currency: 46 1090 2398 0000 0001 3076 5327


Bank address:
Santander Bank Polska S.A. (formerly BZWBK) in Wroclaw
50-950 Wrocław
Market 9/11;

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